I first saw Dr. Terry Wahls, M.D., on a Bulletproofexec event and was amazed at her brilliance and
her story. Dr. Wahls was a former national Tae Kwon Do champion that contracted multiple sclerosis (MS) in later life. Her illness progressed over several years to the point where she was confined to a reclined, motorized wheelchair and her condition was degenerating.
She began a series of self-experimentations to see what she could do to slow the progression of her condition and along the way, found a cure! [Well, technically, not a cure, but effectively so!] She shares her story through the foundation she established, The Wahls Foundation, in order to help others.
Her book, Minding My Mitochondria, is the story of how she defeated MS, accomplished completely through dietary changes based on studying the latest research on improving neurological function -- the seat of her MS problems. Through a series of incremental changes, she ended up at the modern paleo diet: fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, grass-fed meat -- gluten and casein (milk protein) free.
She went from her motorized wheelchair to walking with two canes for short distances. Then to using a single cane. After a few months, she found she could ride her bike around the block at home. She is now participating in 18 mile bicycle races.
This video is a couple of years old so this is not bleeding edge information, but if you're still on the fence about the modern paleo diet and are still confused about the conflicting nutritional information we get from the medical establishment, you really need to watch it! I was so inspired that I just had to share it :-).
Doctor Cures Her Multiple Sclerosis With Diet, Abandons Wheelchair
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